Hau Nguyen Cuu ئاپەکان

Audiobooks for Kids 1.3
Hau Nguyen Cuu
Listen to 250 audiobooks for your kids totallyfree.The app keeps your favorite audiobooks by marking on the starsto help you easily find your favorite audibooks later .Now you can turn on and listen to a good book even when youcan’t pick one up—on your way to work, at the gym, while foldinglaundry, or any other time your eyes and hands are busy.
Password Notes 1.0
Hau Nguyen Cuu
Password Notes is an Application that letsyousave all your User Names and Passwords in an ENCRYPTED mannerbasedon a KEY entered by yourself.From now on you need the only one password to remember. Keepyourpasswords secure on your Android handsets and tablets.Don’t take any chances with your passwords andprivateinformation; keep your data safe and secure withPASSWORDS!With PASSWORD's KEY encryption, you can trust that no oneelsewill have access to your most important information.Easy and Simple User Interface.It's free.
JLPT Practice N5 - N1 7.3
Hau Nguyen Cuu
JLPT Pactice is a helpful tool to learn, practice and test Japaneselanguage for the JLPT exam. You can use tests to practice grammar,vocabulary, kanji, listening, reading skills. It contains tests forall levels - JLPT Pactice test N5, JLPT Pactice test N4, JLPTPactice test N3, JLPT Pactice test N2 and JLPT Pactice test N1. Thetests include text, image and audio. This is free app. Thanks youfor use JLPT practice app.
JLPT Practice N5 - N1 Pro 1.1
Hau Nguyen Cuu
JLPT Pactice is a helpful tool to learn, practice and testJapaneselanguage for the JLPT exam. You can use tests to practicegrammar,vocabulary, kanji, listening, reading skills. It containstests forall levels - JLPT Pactice test N5, JLPT Pactice test N4,JLPTPactice test N3, JLPT Pactice test N2 and JLPT Pactice test N1.Thetests include text, image and audio. This is free app. Thanksyoufor use JLPT practice app.
JLPT N5 - Learn N5 and Test N5 1.8
Hau Nguyen Cuu
You can use JLPT N5 - Learn N5 and Test N5 app for learn basicJapannese. This is free app to help you to test your Japaneselanguage skill of JLPT N5 This app including: - 50 lessons Grammarin use - 20 lessons for test Grammar in use - 42 lessons to learnVocabulary - 24 lessons to test Vocabulary - 103 lessons to learnkanji - 20 lessons to test kanji - 11 lessons to test Reading and29 lessons to test Listening Test with audios and images. This willhelp you to learn Grammar, Vocabulary and Kanji easly If you foundany problem, please feel free to contact me via email. Thanks!
Verbal Advantage(learn vocabulary and test) 1.2
Hau Nguyen Cuu
First time in book form! A successful program for teaching3,500vocabulary words that successful people need to know, basedonAmerica's #1 bestselling audio vocabulary series. "People judgeyouby the words you use." Millions of Americans know this phrasefromradio and print advertising for the Verbal Advantage audioseries,which has sold over 100,000 copies. Now thisbestsellinginformation is available for the first time in bookform, in aneasy-to-follow, graduated vocabulary building programthat teachesan outstanding vocabulary in just ten steps. Unlikeothervocabulary books, Verbal Advantage provides a completelearningexperience, with clear explanations of meanings, wordhistories,usages, pronunciation, and more. Far more than a cramsession for astandardized test, the book is designed as a lifetimevocabularybuilder, teaching a vocabulary shared by only the toppercentage ofAmericans, with a proven method that helps theknowledge last. A10-step vocabulary program teaches 500 key wordsand 3,000synonyms. Lively, accessible writing from an expert authorandradio personality.
il était une histoire (9999+ Contes avec Audio) 1.0
Hau Nguyen Cuu
Il était une histoire collection de 180 contes avec Audio.+20Fables et poésies Cette application vous procure plusieurscontesavant d’aller dormir. Profitez de la collectiond'histoiresenchantées et de contes pour passer un bon moment. *LirelesHistoires sans internet *Audio : fonctionne avec internet(vouspouvez télécharger l'audio pour l'utiliser sans internet)Histoireen français audio -Traductor en ligne : Nous fournissonsunefonction de dictionnaire pour vous aider à comprendre les motsquevous ne comprenez pas clairement. Voici les 180 conte magiquesdela collection des histoires : * Le loup et les sept chevreaux *Lalune *Le roi grenouille * La reine des abeilles * Lestroisfileuses * Les trois plumes * L'oiseau et la poule * La Lionneetl'Hyène *Baba-Yaga * Bâton, tape ! * Blanche-Neige * AmmamellenetÉlias *Anta et Mamadou * Aventures dangereuses * Celle quinevoulait pas se marier * Celui qui n’en faisait qu’à sa tête*Cendrillon * Icare * L’anneau de la tourterelle * L’eau de laterre* L’homme touffu * L’invention des moustiques * Chassez lenaturel* Comment l’eau de mer est devenue salée * Hansel et Grethel*L’orphelin aveugle ou la légende du narval * La Belle auboisdormant * L’œuf de Soleil * La branche morte * La femmequimangeait les hommes * La légende des quatre mendients * Legarçonet les coquillages * Le collier de perles noires * Le géantetl’homme * Le brahmane et la déesse Durga * Le canari merveilleux*Le chat et la souris * Le génie de la forêt * La Lune etlebananier * La toison d’or * La rose bleue * Le grand corbeau etleharfang des neiges * Le Minotaure * Le pays sans fleurs * Lerêvede Tao * Les arbres et le kiwi * Les moitiés * Le petit chacaletle chameau * Le Soleil et la Lune * Les mouettes du lac Salé *Lestrois souhaits * Orphée et Eurydice * Les pattes de vautour *Lesprésents des Génies de l’eau * Les visages sur le mur *L’Odysséed’Ulysse * Midas * Narcisse et Écho * Pandore * Sanna*Urashimataro * Le cruel empereur ou la femme fidèle * La Mounoudela Falêmé * La Princesse au petit pois * Le Grand et le Petit *LePetit Chaperon rouge * Les Trois Frères * Origine du lion, duchatet du rat * Le grand-père qui faisait fleurir les arbres . ..etcil était une histoire collection des histoires et contes pourvous,cette app livres des histoire et contes français avec audiovousdonne la passion pour aimer lire. Cette application vousprocureplusieurs contes et histoires, l'application Contient despetiteshistoires courtes en français avec audio. Raconte-moi deshistoiresest un livre français sans internet pour apprendrefrançais. ilétait une histoire collection des histoires françaises,est uneapplication livres audio gratuite . Cet ouvrage comme LivreaudioHistoires morales et Contes de fées français, . Cetteapplicationcontient aussi des histoire GRIMM et des histoiresafricaine.Écouter de la littérature présente de nombreux avantages: - Vousaider à comprendre un langage complexe. - Les livresaudiodéveloppent les compétences d'écoute et deconcentration.-------------------------------------------------Finalement Jevous souhaite bonne lecture
9999+ English Novel Books - Offline 1.0
Hau Nguyen Cuu
English Novel Books is a very convenient software applicationforreading books ,classic works of English literature andcoversalmost all genres: fiction, philosophical treatises,memoirs,children's books and others. This app provides you a largeand finecollection of the public domain Books and Novels in Englishforeveryone with multiple categories and morals. The App isfullyfunctional without the internet. The user interface is veryfastand responsive and can be used equally well even in flightmode.You do not have to search a book just download our app and youwillalways have a massive e-book collection of thebestEnglish-language writers within reach! In the list authors youwillbe agreeably surprised to find not only the famous nameslikeCharles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen, LewisCarroll,Mark Twain, many others. Features : * Display a list of allthestories. * Select a category of the stories. * Offline Reading;NoInternet access required * Easy-to-use interface All ourstoriesare from open sources. If you have rights for a story andyou rightwasn’t indicated or you are against its using in ourapplicationplease contact us. We will correct data or delete it assoon aspossible.​ Download now for free! Hope you fun.